Saturday, April 3, 2010

Web & Video Conferencing

Web & Video Conferencing Technology Five Great Reasons to Start Utilizing Online Meetings Now

Several years ago I was in a computer store and a salesman was trying to sell me something, in fact, he was trying to sell me anything that he could. Visit Here

I said that I had the latest computer and really didn't need anything more. Then he showed me a web camera and I thought for a few seconds, but I really couldn't figure out why I would need that gadget.

Now things have changed and that salesman could get the sale from me, because the time is right to start conducting online web and video conferences. Here are a few reasons why the age of web conferencing has truly arrived:

1. Transportation costs are rising and web conferencing is one way to conduct meetings without getting into a car or plane.

Imagine how much money you could save if you were able to hold a staff meeting with your distant branches without paying for fuel, hotels and all the other costs associated with outside meetings?

2. The cost of conducting a meeting outside a main office is much higher than you can calculate by only adding up the material costs.

When you leave your office or home, you have to put everything aside and subject yourself to delays in traffic, airports, trains and taxis. Sure, you can take your laptop with you, but are you really as productive using a laptop in a busy airport as you are while you are in your own office? Web conferencing allows you to get back to your other work as soon as the online conference ends.

3. Web conferencing allows you to meet face-to-face with your colleagues no matter where they are.

Globalization is not just a slogan. Business, educational and social organizations are now working in increasingly wider networks which are spread throughout the world. If you have clients, employees, representatives or students in another country or in a distant location, think how convenient it would be to be able to turn on your computer and hold a meeting with them. Well, this is not a distant dream, it is possible right now using existing web and video conferencing technology

4. Online conferencing allows you to give support and help to clients without sending out a technician or a representative.

If you are selling a product or service that must be supported, then think of the improvement in customer relations and reduction in costs that you could achieve if you could effectively meet online with your client. Today's conferencing technology even allows your staff to "take over" the computer of a client and demonstrate how an application works.

5. Video and web conferencing is now extremely affordable, easy to use and very functional.

Gone are the days of proprietary systems and cameras. Today you can use standard PCs and inexpensive web cameras to conduct your meetings. The online meetings do not require equipment or software that is not already found in most offices. In addition, several companies now offer conferencing services at a price that even individuals and small organizations can afford.Visit Here

Who's Using This New Technology

Web and Video Conferencing Who's Using this New Technology

In the mid 1990s a few individuals and companies, Visit Here

seeing the potential of the relatively unknown Internet, took advantage of this new medium and got a head start on everyone else. Similarly, today a few innovative companies have enthusiastically embraced web and video conferencing and are reporting great benefits from this under-used application.

Who is making use of web and video conferencing, and how are they using it? Here is a look at some of the enterprises and institutions that are being transformed by the intelligent use of this up-and-coming technology.

Ever conscious of rising costs, schools and universities are using web/video conferencing to conduct administrative meetings with staff and also for setting up online courses and tutoring for students. Web and video conferencing "made all the difference in turning a scheduling conflict into a magical lifetime memory for our student," says Jon Fredricks of Midland Lutheran College.

While clergy are not usually pictured as techno-geeks, churches and other religious institutions have been quick to see the advantages of video conferencing applications and now use it to enable shut-in members of their congregations "attend" worship services without leaving their homes.

Sales organizations are using video and/or web conferencing to conduct sales meetings as well as to meet and demonstrate their products with prospects. Taking this further, sales coaches and trainers have whole-heartedly embraced online conferencing as a way to develop new methods of training, and save money at the same time.

Video and web conferencing "enabled us to develop a powerful new consulting/training business model in which we blend live classroom training with a continuous program of interactive videoconference training events, accessible by participants from virtually any location" reports Tim McMahon of McMahon WorldWide Sales Performance.

"The ability to offer this kind of programming has become a significant source of competitive advantage for us in the sales training marketplace," added McMahon.

As might be expected, software and Internet companies who are already tech-savy, have been quick to make use of online conferencing. They are using these applications to demonstrate their products and services to clients, and to provide a new, previously undreamed of level of support.

"The technology allows us to access dentists' workstations in two clicks…. It's like working without walls and dentists have really been blown away by the personal touch that's possible with this technology," reports Rich Hirschinger, of , a supplier of software for dentists.

Similarly, avant-garde media companies are using the latest web/video conferencing applications to present videos and conduct business meetings bringing together their offices located many miles apart.

Large organizations with many branches such as securities companies and banks have also seen online conferencing as a way to hold staff meetings, meet with clients and conduct training sessions without having to pay high travel costs.

But it is not only large institutions that are using these applications, professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists and insurance agents are using online video conferencing to have intimate, one-on-one meetings with their patients, clients and prospects.Visit Here

Multi-Point Video Conferencing

What Is Multi-Point Video Conferencing

There are times when you need to be able to talk with individuals in other locations, both for personal reasons and for business. Visit Here

To convey simple messages you might choose to use a telephone, cellular phone, or even send an e-mail… unfortunately these methods are only effective if you don't need to interact with the parties involved directly or be able to present visual information to them or view what information they might have to show you. In situations such as that, you may find that multi-point video conferencing can be just what you need.

Though the name may sound complicated, multi-point video conferencing is actually a relatively simple concept. When you are using multi-point video conferencing, you are using a series of cameras and displays which are located in different buildings or offices and that will transmit images from each location to every other location in the video conference. This allows for real-time visual communication without the need or expense of travel that would be required for more traditional meetings.

How Multi-Point Video Conferencing Works

Before you can use multi-point video conferencing, it's first important that you have an understanding of how the technology involved works. Basically, multi-point video conferencing uses a series of cameras, at least one in each location of the conference, and transmits the audio and video that is picked up over a computer network where it is received by the other members of the conference. This works similar to a telephone conference call, allowing all members to interact in real time, but instead of simply being a telephone call the members can see what is going on at the other locations and often can pull up additional information from their computer and display it as a part of the conference as well.

Advantages of Multi-Point Video Conferencing

Multi-point video conferencing can do quite a bit to make communication easier for all members of the conference, presenting them with the opportunity to show important information to the other parties involved or to express their meaning through gestures and body language as well as speech. Since most multi-point video conferencing is done via computer, it also has the advantage of being able to transfer files, take polls, and utilize text chatting and other features that also would not be available form a standard conference call. This can give users a new level of interactivity and make their experiences with the multi-point video conference much more productive and worthwhile.

Uses of Multi-Point Video Conferencing

Given how adaptable the technology can be, there are a variety of ways that individuals and businesses can make use of multi-point video conferencing. When used by people at home, multi-point video conferencing can allow them to talk with several friends or family members at once and have a "virtual reunion" or share important news. Companies that make use of multi-point video conferencing can host meetings with employees, offices, or business partners in other cities or around the world without having to make the travel arrangements needed to get all of the parties involved together. Multi-point video conferencing can be used by teachers who are doing activities with other classes or who teach several classes at different schools as a form of distance learning, or by members of the scientific community who are attempting to share data and complete research with others in different countries. As advances in multi-point video conferencing technology continue to be made, the only real limit on the usefulness of this method of communication is the imagination and creativity of those who will be using it.Visit Here

What Is Video Conferencing

What is Video Conferencing Article

Video conferencing is a communication technology that integrates voice and video to connect the remote users with each other via internet as they are in the same room. Visit Here

Each user needs a computer, microphone, web cam and a broadband internet connection for participating in the video conferencing. Users at both the ends see and hear each other in real time allowing natural conversation. Many communication companies have been dabbling in video conferencing technology.

Good bandwidth is needed for high quality of the video conferencing. Video conferencing got more popularity with the release of Microsoft Net meeting. Now currently there are a numbers of companies that are promoting the video conferencing software.

Video conferencing is very appealing to the educational and business sector. Video conferencing made it possible to bring the users closer (virtually face to face) hence saving the cost and time. Many universities have adopted video conferencing as an educational tool. Businessmen around the world use video conferencing to keep in touch with other people.

Video conferencing is in more demanding phase and more video conferencing applications and technologies are in the development and improvement process. Eventually video conferencing will allow the creation of the virtual cities, online places where people can work together without the need of physically present in the same premises. Using a computer, video camera and a broadband internet connection, you can establish a video conferencing connection.

Video conferencing is a very useful communication method because it can save the time and traveling cost of the people. A video conference between two people is known as point-to-point and among the more people is known as multipoint conference. Besides the audio and video transmission between the people, videoconferencing is also used to share the documents, computer displayed information.

More improvement is being made in the videoconferencing applications by which people can work and manipulate on the same documents and computer applications at the same time. IEEE gives standard and guidance for the development of videoconferencing. The H.320 standard tells that how video conferencing operates over ISDN telephone circuits. The H.323 standard tells how videoconferencing operates over the Internet (TCP/IP or IP).

The quality of the videoconferencing depends on the characteristics of the circuit between the conferencing sites. In H.323 world, a high quality conference needs about 768Kbs of bandwidth. In the universities and college campuses a higher bandwidth connection of 10Mbs is required.

Following are the some rules for the bandwidth, required for videoconferencing.

Bandwidth Usage

768Kbs this is used in campuses and gives excellent quality.

384Kbs this bandwidth also gives good connection with IP and ISDN lines.

256Kbs Audio is okay but video is not full motion.

128Kbs both audio and video are not excellent.

If you have to choose between ISDN and IP for your videoconferencing connection you should consider two things quality and cost. With the IP based connections there is no additional cost. On the other hand, even though there is some additional cost with the ISDN connection, but you get a constant speed and excellent connection quality and with the IP based connection, due to the commodity internet you do not have guaranteed bandwidth.

Videoconferencing has different advantages. Here are the some advantages of the videoconferencing technology.

· By using the video conferencing the faculty members can keep in touch with class remotely.

· Guest lectures can be conducted in a class from a different institute locally ore remotely.

· Scientist and researchers can collaborate with each other at different institutes on the regular basis.

· Researchers and teachers can answers the questions from an agency.

· Marriages in some countries are being performed by using the video conferencing technology, if the one partner is at one end and the other is abroad. The people at both ends can see each other.

· Student interviews with an employer in another city or country.


Telecommuting is now being used to connote a broader activity, which includes the individual interaction and collaboration that takes places between home based entrepreneur, consultants and business partners


Video conferencing is also being used in the telemedicine.Visit Here

Video Conferencing Facility

Any room in the office can become a video conferencing facility. Visit Here

This is because you only need the right hardware and software so people will be able to talk with other parties.

In terms of hardware, the video conferencing facility must have a camera. It should be able to record real time video at the same time produce real time output so you can immediately respond to questions and give comments.

You will also need a microphone so you can speak into this device and your message comes out through their speakers.

Voice and sound can only be compressed if you have a processor. There are many of them around so you just have to pick the right one that is compatible with the video conferencing software that you plan to install in your facility.

You will also need gateway which happens to be the network device that connects your network to the web. Some of those available have a firewall so again, it is up to you if you want get a system that has this feature.

If you don't want to buy the hardware mentioned separately, you can invest in an integrated video conferencing unit that already has the entire package.

Ideally, you should use the H323 version in the video conferencing facility. This is because of its compatibility with other systems.

For those who don't want to spend on a video conferencing facility, they can go to venues that offer this service. You have to make a reservation in advance so no one will take the slot that you wish to use.

Since most meetings do not take too long, many of these places charge by the hour. If you have to cancel or reschedule the meeting, you should call them at least 24 hours before so you will not be billed for the time that you reserved.

Places that have these video conferencing facilities include hotels, colleges and other training centers. You can look in the directory or online so you get to see how it looks like before using it as this place might just be your regular the next time you need to have another meeting.

The biggest benefit of having your own or going to a video conferencing facility is not having to spend on airfare and travel expenses just to attend a business meeting. This is as technology allows you to meet "virtually" with just about anybody wherever they are in the country or in the world.

As a result, other sectors have begun using this technology as well such as the justice department, schools and hospitals since this medium can have 5 to more than 50 people in attendance during a hearing, a meeting or in an online training session. Visit Here

Video Conferencing So Hot

Why Is Desktop Video Conferencing So Hot

Desktop video conferencing has really taken off in recent years and many businesses from micro enterprises to larger ones are eagerly making every effort to cash in on this amazing new tool that is forever transforming the frontiers of enterprise.Visit Here

So what is video conferencing? Video conferencing uses both audio and video to bring people together via telecommunications. Actually apart from audio and video transmission it can also be used to share documents and virtually every type of computer displayed information you can think of. And it can all be as simple as a conversation between two people, what they call point to point. Or it could multi-point, which could mean many large rooms with many people in them all linked together in a virtual meeting.

Now not only can people scattered in different remote and not so remote locations across the globe have a meeting and exchange information and ideas, but it can be done at a very affordable cost. Thanks mainly to desktop Video Conferencing, which is made possible by mostly software turning virtually every computer into powerful conferencing equipment. This means that the possibilities are virtually unlimited.

For instance as more and more people enable their PCs for video conferencing, it means that any expert in any field can now hold regular conferences and involve participants from all over the world. Geographical locations and distances have been wiped out. Individuals and businesses of all sizes are also able to tap in and have access to the very best without expensive trips involving air travel and hotel bookings.Visit Here

Business Use Video Conferencing

Why Should Your Business Use Video Conferencing

As video conferencing technology continues to improve,Visit Here

there is more and more of a push for businesses to integrate video conferencing into their communication package. Of course, if you aren't overly familiar with what video conferencing is or how it works, you may be hesitant to upgrade your systems to include this video communication equipment without knowing how it could help you. In order to assist you in choosing whether or not to purchase a video conferencing system for your business, take a moment to consider the following information and how it might apply to your business' specific situation.

Communication Among Offices

If your business has multiple offices, you may have to occasionally partake in conference calls or regional meetings in which office managers have to travel to a specific location to take part. Often there will be a certain amount of paperwork which must be distributed, meaning it will have to be prepared before the meeting or sent via e-mail or postal mail to the offices beforehand… this means that you have to put a lot of preparation into your meetings, which costs you more money. Think of how much time and money you could save if you were able to have most of your meetings via video, with all relevant information displayed on the screen when it is needed and a true interactivity among the people at different offices. Video conferencing can allow you to set up a video system and microphones at each location that will take part in the conference, letting them see and hear the points raised by the other offices as well as any material that you choose to display within the meeting. All without travel or excessive preparation beforehand.

Dealing with Partners and Investors

Just as video conferencing can assist you with inter-office meetings and conference calls, it can also make dealing with business partners, investors, and those potentially interested in your company much easier… especially if those partners are located abroad or have a business office that isn't close to your central office. By utilizing video conferencing you can discuss important business matters without having to schedule meetings and then arrange travel for you or your partners or investors. Not only will this save you time and allow you to have full access to your business materials, but it will also greatly save on the various expenses associated with travel and lodging.

Modernization and Preparation for the Future

Another consideration that may influence your decision to incorporate video conferencing into your communications package is that a good number of other businesses are already beginning to use this technology. As the price of video conferencing equipment goes down and the quality of transmission improves, you will start to see more and more companies using this technology to handle meetings and day-to-day business. This means that the likelihood will increase that you'll be required to upgrade your current communication options at some point… by switching over now, you can help to keep your business on the cutting edge and ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of your employees and business partners without having to struggle to keep up later on.Visit Here

Wireless Video Conferencing

Wireless Video Conferencing - How The Smithsonian Went Wireless

Nestled modestly along the shores of the Chesapeake Bay,Visit Here

the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) goes about its daily business of finding solutions to grand environmental challenges that the world faces in the 21st century. SERC is the Nation's leading research and education center dedicated to understanding ecological processes that sustain life on both land and the ocean. Over 70 percent of the world's population lives in the coastal zone, which includes the Earth's most biologically productive ecosystems, supports the majority of the world's fisheries and provides vast reserves of oil, gas and other non-living resources. The SERC Campus serves as a central campus for exploring the environment with other research that extends throughout the world. SERC educators provide rich content to the public based on their research through distance learning, web-based programs and on-site visits.

Recently, the institution concluded that they could improve their ability to research the environment with the help of a technological upgrade. "What we really needed was a wireless, mobile video conferencing solution so that we could bring the unit wherever our subject matter was," said SERC director of education Mark Haddon. SERC's research projects are comprised of a variety of outdoor studies, which include shoreline and marine life research. "We wanted to maintain the integrity of the program, which focuses on learning about Science outdoors, so we were particularly interested in bringing the students right to the scene of the research, for maximum impact and an enhanced educational experience," said Haddon. "The only way we could visualize this type of format was through video conferencing, but we were unsure about what would be involved from a product standpoint. We tried to set it up by using one of our old systems but it wasn't practical. A wireless, mobile solution is what was needed but we didn't know if such a system was available so we contacted our vendor IVCi and they configured and installed our Mobile Video Interactive Companion II (MVIC II). We use the system out in the water, specifically, on the boat and on the shore to study marine life; things like shells, crabs, plant life, etc. We also have future plans to begin extending our studies into the forest."

The MVIC II is a mobile, wireless video conferencing system that provides two-way, high-end quality and performance in a compact wireless mobile offering. The MVIC II can act as a stand-alone video conferencing system or work as an extension to existing video systems. The MVIC II system that was configured for SERC can be rolled about the campus freely and uses a Polycom unit as the video codec.

Even before the wireless video conferencing installation, SERC had always relied on technology to improve the way they worked and shared knowledge with other institutions. "We are, in essence, a content provider to schools that have invested in video conferencing technologies, continued Haddon. " It gives students from these schools the ability to visit the Smithsonian and learn all about different types of life forms found throughout our environment, without leaving their classrooms. The fact is that many school districts are looking for content providers with good equipment because it justifies usage and encourages more schools to get involved in video conferencing. Video conferencing has developed into an excellent way for schools to provide quality education for their students, regardless of where the subject matter is located."

SERC has been using video conferencing for ten years but the wireless feature opens up a new world of possibilities. "The great thing about our current usage of this technology is that we really have access to true 360 degree video conferencing," said Haddon. "We have the unobstructed ability to share what we see and hear in real time. I've never heard of anyone anywhere with this type of application."

Recent improvements by equipment manufacturers and enhancements to related technologies, such as IP networks, have made video conferencing more reliable and affordable. As a long-time user of video conferencing systems, Haddon is very pleased with the changes. "There's no question that the technology has gotten much better, said Haddon. "We no longer experience the types of connection problems we used to encounter. At one time, video conferencing was a very unreliable way to meet. Those issues are gone." Added Haddon, "We've also learned that it is very important to work with companies that are highly knowledgeable in this technical area. It's a specialized technology; therefore, you should only seek out specialists with the right experience and industry certifications."Visit Here

How To Convert M2Ts

What is M2TS?
M2TS is a Sony high definition video file type. M2TS files are raw AVCHD videos recorded using Sony's camcorders, such as the HDR-SR1 and HDR-SR5 models. Panasonic, Canon and other brands of AVCHD camcorders also record in M2TS format.

However, this format cannot be usually played on your computer or portable players. So firstly you need convert the format to the common video formats such as AVI, WMV, MP4, MOV, 3GP, FLV, SWF, DivX, XviD etc..

With this easy-to-use M2TS Converter, you can convert m2ts file to the common video format. Furthermore, this poweful tool can let you playback your converted files on all popular portable players such as iPod, iPhone, Archos, video mobile phone, Zune, PSP, etc..

Part 1: How to convert m2ts to AVI, WMV, MP4, MOV, 3GP, FLV on Mac

The converter you need is Tipard M2TS Converter for Mac.

How to operate the converter:

Firstly, Download and install the M2TS Converter for Mac. After the action, you will see the following screenshot:

Step 1: Run the converter and load your files.
Step 2: Select the format you want to convert from "Profile��? If you like to set your own data, please click "Settings��?button.
Step 3: Set up the output profile and the output file path. You can default the output file path or select your own path by clicking "Browse��?button on the line of Destination.
Step 4: Start conversion.
After you set all the settings, you can click "Start��?to start conversion.

This converter also has powerful editing functions besides conversion. Take some examples below:

1: Snapshot

If you like the current image of the video you can use the "Snapshot��?option, just click the "Snapshot��?button and the image will be saved and then click the "Open��?button next to "Snapshot��?button to open your picture.

2: Merge

If you want to merge several videos into one file you can choose them at one time and click the "Merge into one file��?to do it.

3: Effect

Click "Effect��?button you can do these actions: adjusting brightness, contrast and saturation of the video. You can easily adjust the video through two windows in the same interface.

4: Trim

If you just want convert a clip of your video, then you can use the "Trim" icon to set the Start time and End time of the clip or you can directly drag the slide bar to the accurate position.

5: Crop

By using the "Crop��?function you can crop the black edge of your video and you can also drag the line around the video image to adjust your video to your Google Phone.

Part 2: How to convert M2TS to AVI, WMV, MP4, MOV, 3GP, FLV on Windows

The converter you need is Tipard M2TS Converter.

Firstly, download and install Tipard M2TS Converter.

Step 1: Run Tipard M2TS Converter and load your files.
Step 2: Select the format you want to convert from "Profile��? If you like to set your own data, please click "Settings��?button.
Step 3: Set up the output profile and the output file path. You can default the output file path or select your own path by clicking "Browse��?button on the line of Destination.
Step 4: Start conversion.

After you set all the settings, you can click "Start��?to start conversion.

The key features are shown below:

1: How to set effect of video
You can adjust the video such as brightness, contrast and saturation

2: How to split your video
The "Trim" function also servers as a video splitter for you to get any time-length video episode. You can set the "Start Time" and "End Time" to set the time of the clip or you can directly drag the slide bar to the accurate position.

3: How to crop off the black edges and adjust the size of video play region
By using the "Crop" function you can crop the black edge of your video and you can also drag the line around the video image to adjust the video play region to fit for your mobile devices. Have you found out the difference from the two windows? The bride and the old man are only in the picture.

4: How to save your favorite picture
If you like the current image when preview video, you can use the "Snapshot" option. Just click the "Snapshot" button the image will be saved and you can click the "Open" button next to "Snapshot" button to open your picture.

5: How to join your file pieces
If you want to merge several files into one file you can choose them and click the "Merge into one file" to do it.

Sony T700 Digital Camera

sony T700 Digital Camera MP5 movie FM radio TV output 3.5 super touch with 4GB,With MP5.MP4.MP3, the game. Radio. Recording. Camera. Video All-in,Want to have a multi-functional digital camera, or to buy a surprise gift for children or children, then the Taiwan version of this ultra-high imitation multifunctional digital camera will be your only choice.

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Product Description
Audio Player: Support MP3, WMA, OGG, AAC, APE, FLAC, WAV and other formats
Video Player: Support AVI, MP4, RM / RMVB, WMV, DAT and other formats
Recording: Format WAV, sample rate 8KHz/16KHz
Data Interface: High-speed USB2.0
Play time: Audio 30 hours or so (off screen, headphone output), video 5 hours or so (headphone output),Random accessories, including headphones, data cable,warranty,certificate, and instructions, in addition to one for video output cable.
Number of 5 million total pixels,3 million effective pixels
The maximum resolution of 2,048 x1, 536,Image Resolution,3M (2,048 x1, 536) /,VGA (640x480) /,2M (1,920 x1, 080)
Lens Features:35mm equivalent focal length 35-140mm
Digital Zoom 3 times
Touch semi-manual focus mode
AF-Assist mode AF-Assist illuminator
Display size 3.5-inch
No LCD screen can be rotated
Touch Screen Support
3.5-inch TFT LCD display
Supports MP3, WMA, FLAC, APE, AAC format music files
Built-in PlayFX audio, multi-EQ sound, multi-player mode
Support for MPEG-4 compression standard AVI and RM, RMVB video format files playback
TF card expansion capabilities to support expanded capacity 128MB ~ 8MB
Supports JPEG, BMP, GIF format images browsing, automatic browsing
Built-in MIC, support voice recording function
Energy-saving setting, brightness freely adjustable, you can set automatic shutdown
Support for Simplified Chinese, English language
High-speed USB2.0 Transmission Interface
Support DRM9 Data Rights Management
Removable disk function
Multi-tasking, able to e-books while listening to music, watching
Luxury Accessories: Digital Camera +4 G RAM + SONY Headset + Charger + USB cable + manual + TV-out AV cable box + SONY + (value of 38 yuan for SONY MDR-95A-ear headphones)
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